Thursday 14 August 2014

Let's Move On...

P.M. addresses the Nation as well as the world, "Come, make in India" We wanna hear, "Made in India" Emphasizes on "Zero defect, zero effect" technology"....

A different kind of P.M's speech on 15th August , I ever followed. Thousands thoughts of awareness & effectivesness having strong practical and indispensable values are being expressed. Not mere a lengthy boring so-called "promising" speech, he is calling the Nation to awake & take the very first little effective step for the development of India.

He is not making any promises which may be kept undone, He is demanding us to start doing things ourselves for our development.

But, we the people of India, shall we respond, infact do we even the minimum mental courage and ability for the same as we are used to keeping things undone, always seeking for puny self-interests, leading a lazy and irresponsible lifestyle as careless citizens??

We can't and shouln't blame the the time to do something move atleast!


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