Sunday 7 July 2013


  If,I was;       the most brute and jealous...
The Moon couldn't shine, so bright and fabulous!

I waited all day long ;      met him in the night;
He brought stains & shines to hug me tight!

  I looked at him;      and happily sad*!
I love You...You made me mad!

He hugged me closer;     warmly accepted;
Blinked and whispered, "You are really mad!"

I asked him,     "May be with you?"
Cozily he replied, "ofcourse! when nights dew";

I forgot my sleep;     each deed of mine,
Awoke whole night to embrace his shine...!

I shared my soul;     but intented nothing to get...
Suddenly he changed, and wished to forget!!!...

Shockingly me surprised!!     asked him, why!?
Rudely he looked,then made reply;

"You are unlucky for me!!!      Your intensions not right;
Are making me fade, now I am not so much bright!"

I gifted my tears;      some perls to make him bright;
He found them shitts! didn't regret a slight!

Me the fool;     far from the fact;
Luner lights are fake, blindly forget!

Still I cried and tried;     to shine him again...
Prayed his smile; my only wish to regain!

He came back, shined another night.....

Far from my sky...     
After a long dark fortnight....!

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