Saturday 24 August 2013


A bRoKeN mirror,
Brings never horror
May finger bleeds;
But it's so minor..

A relationship; I can't leave...
Within myself, it always beeps!
Possible, failure is deployed on my path;
Will reign & ruin with all own wrath!
Still I will stick; never down my head,
May luck lacks, but my beloved;
I will stay, Oh! my love!
Holding your memories; which are enough!
I can live... I can die,
But will fight, determined high!
You are left, might never come,
I keep my soul quiet and calm!

You will never back; I will suffer!
Would have been collecting ......
Every piece of mirror.......

A writting about my first incomplete dream, "MUSIC" my first and last love, far from my tune...still it is my own... inside my soul... and broken heart...Works like medicine... as healer bell alert!

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